October 12, 2022
In this Issue: Lake Dems Election Protection Legal Coordinators Present Statewide Training ● Lake Dems Shades of Blue Fundraiser ● State’s Attorney Rinehart Fights Disinformation Campaign About SAFE-T Act ● It’s Not Too Late to Register to Vote ● Candidates Have a Busy Week Attending Events in Lake County ● Candidates Forum: Mary Ross-Cunningham ● Volunteer Spotlight ● Upcoming Events
Lake Dems Election Protection Legal Coordinators Present Statewide Training
On Monday evening, October 10th, in cooperation with Tenth Dems University (a certified provider of CLE (Continuing Legal Education) credits for lawyers and the Illinois Democratic County Chairs’ Association (IDCCA), Lake Dems presented a 90-minute training on protecting voters’ rights at the polls. The training attracted close to 100 participants statewide. Presenters Barbara Altman, Nancy Krent, and Sheldon Solow, as well as Moderator Lauren Beth Gash, all attorneys and Lake County Democrats with years of experience as election protection volunteers, not only analyzed the legal issues most likely to require resolution at the polls, they also offered tips about organizing a countywide Election Protection Team, as our local area Democrats have so successfully done. They also answered the many questions that came from the attentive and engaged audience throughout the session.
This was the first of three training sessions Tenth Dems University has planned for this month. The next program will be on Tuesday, October 18th, at 7:30pm, also via Zoom. The final presentation is set for Sunday afternoon, October 30th, at 4pm.
Our Election Protection Team can answer your questions about voting and voters’ rights at 847-432-VOTE (8683).
Lake Dems Shades of Blue Fundraiser
When: Thursday evening, October 20, 2022 at 7pm
Where: Hyatt Regency Deerfield, 1750 Lake Cook Road, Deerfield, IL
Our rights are on the ballot — bodily autonomy, freedom from gun violence, workers’ rights, and so much more. We hope that you will sign up to join us, along with our other honored guests, for this special evening by going to lakedems.org/fundraiser2022. If you are unable to attend, please consider making a contribution to help us elect Democrats.
State’s Attorney Rinehart Fights Disinformation Campaign About SAFE-T Act
Illinois’ SAFE-T Act, a measure designed to prevent crime and recidivism, has become grist for the Republican misinformation mill. Lake County State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart sets the record straight below.
- Currently, judges decide who should be in custody awaiting trial by setting a cash value that a defendant must provide to the jail. If the defendant provides cash to the jail, they are released awaiting trial.
- Anyone can post cash at jail window on behalf of anyone else.
- The United States is one of the few nations in the world that uses access to cash as the way to determine who should and who should not be released.
- The federal system abolished the use of cash bail in 1984.
- The Illinois juvenile justice system has never used cash for pre-trial detention proceedings.
- Bail reform started in Illinois in 2017, and the Illinois Supreme Court Task Force issued recommendations in April 2020 that called for, among other things, the release of non-violent offenders while awaiting trial. The task force included judges, prosecutors, and police.
- Every major Illinois victims’ advocacy group supports ending cash bail.
- The jail doors are NOT opening on January 1, 2023. LCSAO is filing petitions in October 2022. The SAO estimates that they will seek detention for 95% of the jail inmates. The estimated 5% who are released will be required to check in with county officers and be on curfew and other conditions such as no drugs or alcohol.
- Under the SAFE-T Act, violent offenders can be held while awaiting trial if a judge finds they are a threat to the community. This is a more transparent decision process than a judge guessing about a defendant’s finances.
- Under the SAFE-T Act, non-violent offenders can be held while awaiting trial if a judge finds they are a flight risk.
- Under the SAFE-T Act, any offender can be held if he or she violates a court order regarding their conditions of release such as committing a new crime (even a minor one), using drugs or alcohol, or violating curfew.
- Victims have more rights under the SAFE-T Act because now a judge can stop a defense attorney from calling a victim to testify in a detention hearing.
- All trespassers to houses can be arrested under the SAFE-T Act. All trespassers to other land or buildings can be arrested if they are a threat to the community.
It’s Not Too Late to Register to Vote
Registering to vote with Deputy Voter Registrars has ended; however, you can still register to vote. You can register in person at the Lake County Clerk’s office located at 18 N County Street Room 101 in Waukegan. When county-wide early voting starts on October 24th, you can register and vote at any of those early voting sites, and even on election day you can register and vote at your polling place. If you plan to register, make sure you have two pieces of ID, including one that shows your current address. For voting locations and other information click here.
Lake County Democrats Join BG Pride National Coming Out Day Celebration

Lake County Democrats were well represented. Attendees included (left to right) Anthony Vega, Candidate for Lake County Clerk, Esiah Campos, Candidate for Lake County Board, Lake County Board Member Jennifer Clark, Moraine Twp. Acting Chair Danielle Swank, Lake County Democrats Chair Lauren Beth Gash, State Rep. Dan Didech, Congressman Brad Schneider, Molly Pinta, Sheriff John Idleburg, Mary Beth Canty, Candidate for State Rep.

Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky and her husband Bob Creamer joined the fun. Turns out they can really dance!

Pictured (left to right) are Caitlyn Altenberg, Vernon Twp. Supervisor Jon Altenberg, Lake County Board Member Marah Altenberg, Tenth Dems Intern Grace, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, Tenth Dems Intern Shiv, and Lauren Beth Gash.
Lake County Dems Day of Action

Lake County Democrats and elected officials join candidates at a Lake County Day of Action featuring Secretary of State Candidate Alexi Giannoulias. Among those pictured are candidates John Idleburg, Michael Karner, Dan Didech, Bob Morgan, Adriane Johnson, Elizabeth Rochford, Anthony Vega and Holly Kim.
Mano a Mano Hispanic & Latin X Heritage Gala

Lake County Democratic candidates and elected officials attend the Mano a Mano Family Resource Center Gala (left to right) Anthony Vega, Holly Kim, John Idleburg, Allena Barbato, Jennifer Banek, Michael Karner, and Mary Edly-Allen. Lake Dems was happy to be a sponsor of the event.
Fundraiser for State Rep. Candidate Nabeela Syed (51st District)

JB Pritzker shows his support for State Rep. Candidate Nabeela Syed (51st District) at her fundraiser in Palatine. Attendees included (left to right) Ela Township Precinct Committeeperson Jessie Atchison, Lake Dems Treasurer Dan Matzkin, Governor JB Pritzker, and Lake Dems Vice Chair Nancy Shepherdson.
Reception in Woodstock for Illinois State Senate Candidate Allena Barbato (32nd District)

Attendees included (from left to right) Lake Dems Vice Chair Nancy Shepherdson, McHenry County Board Candidate Laura McGowan, McHenry County Board Candidate Gloria Jean Van Hof, Lake Villa Dems Twp. Chair Kasia Kondracki, Illinois Senate Candidate Allena Barbato, Lake Dems Chair Lauren Beth Gash.
Candidates Forum
Mary Ross-Cunningham
Candidate for Lake County Board, District 9
I represent all the people in my County Board district and I will come to the rescue whenever anyone needs to be connected to services. Everyone knows me and know that if they call me, I will call them right back.
A woman called me just a little while ago about getting help with a security deposit so she could get a place to live. I directed her to an agency that partners with the County Board to help people with securing housing, paying rent, getting medication, and more.
At the County Board, one of our most important jobs is getting agencies like this the funding they need to help our communities. For example, I was responsible for the reinstatement of the driver’s license program that helps people who have lost their licenses get them back if they are eligible. That’s so important because it makes a difference in whether people can get jobs, go to school or just lead their lives in this area. I also made sure that Martin Luther King Day became a fixed (not flexible) holiday for county workers. We need to respect that day.
As long as I’m sitting on the County Board, I’m going to try to make things right. Since Democrats have been in the majority on the County Board, we’ve done a lot of great things for people. Please call me if I can help — 847-377-2300.
Volunteer Spotlight
Lake Dems is grateful for our many active volunteers:
Wauconda Township Democrats member and Island Lake Trustee Stacy Pyne is an amazing volunteer who works to ensure our Democratic values are represented at the local government level. Stacy was recently recognized by Maria Peterson’s campaign as their Volunteer of the Month. She helps the WTD organize events and was instrumental in securing a location for our petition signing event in February. She never misses a meeting or event and keeps us all apprised of what is going on in our Township.
Upcoming Events
Events below are taken from the complete list of Upcoming Events at LakeDems.org/events. To submit your event for consideration, click here.
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month – Latinos in Lake County. 8:30-11:30am, Grayslake. Lake County State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart hosts an event celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month and recognizing Latinos in Lake County. More.
Democracy DIY Postcard Party! 6-8:30pm, Zion. More.
Shredding and Collecting Unwanted Items Event. 9am-noon, Waukegan. More.
At Home With Candidate for Illinois Supreme Court Judge Elizabeth Rochford. 10am, Highland Park. More.
Jane’s Army Pro-Choice Canvass. 11am-1pm, Grayslake. More.
Autumn Garden Party for Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul. 2-4pm. Address provided upon RSVP. More.
A Saturday Night with Lake County Board District 3 Candidate Wendy Meister. 5-8pm, Grayslake. More.
Team Bob Morgan Day of Action. Noon, Deerfield. More.
LGBTQ+ Champagne Reception for Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky. Noon-2pm, Evanston. More.
Brunch and Bubbly with Judge Chris Kennedy. 12:30-2pm. More.
Tenth Dems, Lake Dems Present “The Right to Vote” – Election Protection Zoom. 7:30-9:30, online via Zoom. More.
Lake County Democrats Shades of Blue Fundraiser. Our rights are on the ballot—bodily autonomy, freedom from gun violence, workers’ rights, and so much more. We hope that you will sign up to join us, along with our other honored guests, for this special evening by going to lakedems.org/fundraiser2022. If you are unable to attend, please consider making a contribution to help us elect Democrats. More.
How Do I Join Lake County Democrats?
Lake County Democrats is made up of people like you, people who are passionate about building better communities and a better world. We’re a grassroots political organization, working with Democrats in all parts of Lake County – from Antioch to Highland Park, Libertyville to Waukegan, Barrington to Zion. Become a member online now or send a check payable to Lake County Democrats to P.O. Box 671, Lake Zurich, IL 60047. Questions? Contact info@lakedems.org.