August 3, 2022
In this Issue: More Than 1000 Fairgoers Visit Lake Dems’ Booth ● Assault Weapons Ban Passes in House ● Our Efforts Worked: Libertarian “Jesse White” Off the Ballot ● Lake Dems Officers Elected at County Convention ● Volunteer Spotlight ● In Case You Missed It ● Upcoming Events
More Than 1000 County Fairgoers Visit Lake Dems’ Booth

Candidates mingled with fairgoers while Democratic volunteers answered questions and sold t-shirts and buttons at the Lake County Fair. Above, State Senate candidate Maria Peterson joins volunteer Elaine Doremus at the Lake Dems booth. Below, Congressman Brad Schneider joins volunteers Jenny Ross and Travis Haley (standing) and booth organizers Jim Neel and Bonnie Berger-Neel (seated).
The Lake Dems booth was the place to be as the Lake County Fair returned in Grayslake after a pandemic break.
About 50 Democratic volunteers, candidates, and staffers greeted more than 1,000 fairgoers. In addition to providing information on our candidates, the volunteers gave away more than
- 750 bottles of hand sanitizer
- 1000 packages of masks
- 800 pencils
- 600 candidate give-away buttons
- 700 fans
The volunteers also sold approximately 300 Democratic buttons and completely sold out of Lake Dems t-shirts.
Assault Weapons Ban Passes in House
Our Efforts Worked: Libertarian “Jesse White” Off the Ballot
We’re happy to announce that a candidate named “Jesse White”—not our Democratic Secretary of State Jesse White—has withdrawn from the race for Secretary of State.
We told you earlier about the many Lake Dems volunteers who spent hours reviewing nominating petitions for a Libertarian Secretary of State candidate named Jesse White.
There was a real concern that voters would mistake this candidate for our retiring Democratic Secretary of State Jesse White and that this misleading candidacy of “Jesse White” could pull votes away from Democrat Alexi Giannoulias.
Our work paid off. So many invalid and suspicious signatures were identified that before all the evidence was in, the Libertarian candidate withdrew his candidacy. Credit goes to the numerous Lake Dems volunteers who spent hours at our Highland Park Democratic Headquarters, eyes glued to their computer screens, scrutinizing signatures and voter information. Thank you all!
Volunteer Spotlight
Lake Dems is grateful for our many active volunteers, including the following:
Cynthia Alexander Jackson was elected to the position of Lake County Democrats’ Parliamentarian at the County Convention on July 27, where she did a great job advising on rules of procedure. An attorney and certified professional parliamentarian, Cynthia is a current member of the National Association of Parliamentarians and has a detailed command of Robert’s Rules of Order, the authoritative publication that governs meeting procedure. She serves as church clerk for First Corinthian Missionary Baptist Church and is a life member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. Cynthia is an elected Precinct Committeeperson in Waukegan Township and former chair of the Waukegan Township Democrats.
Officers Elected at Lake Dems County Convention
Last Wednesday, the Lake County Democratic Central Committee held its County Convention, as required by Illinois statute, where precinct committeepersons elected their leadership for 2022-24. The meeting got off to a slower start than everyone would have liked because attendance was much higher than expected and registrars were extra careful in the signing-in to make sure that attendance, weighted votes, and proxies were carefully and accurately accounted for.
More than a week before the meeting, over 20 Executive Board members met to approve proposed rules for the County Convention to be voted on by the precinct committeepersons, who make up the Lake County Democratic Central Committee. The Board had voted unanimously to approve the Convention Rules as proposed, so controversy was not expected. During the convention, some members suggested changes to these Rules and, given that this was a meeting of Democrats who believe in democracy, they were given time to explain their positions. When a vote was taken, the Rules as proposed earlier passed by a large margin.
Elected were Lauren Beth Gash, Chair; Nancy Shepherdson, 1st Vice Chair; Barbara Altman, Vice Chair; Jose Rivera, Vice Chair; Vance Wyatt, Vice Chair; Dan Matzkin, Treasurer; Farah Laman, Recording Secretary; Bonnie Berger-Neel, Corresponding Secretary; Marc Jones, Sergeant-at-Arms; and Cynthia Alexander Jackson, Parliamentarian. Find out more about them at
In Case You Missed It
State Announces Plan for $760 Million in Opioid Settlement Money.
The Political Environment Might Be Improving For Democrats (Nate Silver).
Upcoming Events
Events below are taken from the complete list of Upcoming Events at To submit your event, click here.
Lake Villa Dems August Meeting with Lake County Sheriff John Idleburg and State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart. 6:30-8:30pm, Lindenhurst. More.
Chicago Happy Hour Reception for Illinois State Treasurer Mike Frerichs. 5:30-7pm, Chicago. More.
Town Hall Meeting on Developing a Community Response to Gun Violence. Sponsored by Lake County State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart’s Office. 6pm, North Chicago. More.
Town Hall Meeting in Buffalo Grove with State Senators Julie Morrison and Adriane Johnson, and State Representatives Daniel Didech and Jonathan Carroll. 6:30-8pm, Buffalo Grove. More.
Walk with North Chicago City Treasurer Vance Wyatt in the North Chicago Community Days Parade. 9:25-11:15am, North Chicago. More.
Walk with Warren Township Democrats in the Gurnee Days Parade. 11:30am, Gurnee. More.
Wauconda Township Democrats Day of Action. 1-3pm, Wauconda. More.
Antioch and Grant Township Democrats August Meeting. 6:30-8pm, Lake Villa. More.
State Senate Candidate Mary Edly-Allen’s Summer Reception. 5:30-7pm, Round Lake Beach. More.
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Community Input Night. 5-7pm, Round Lake Beach. More.
Personal PAC Highland Park Garden Party. 5pm, Highland Park. More.
Pride Celebration with Lake County Clerk Candidate Anthony Vega. 6-8pm, Chicago. More.
How Do I Join Lake County Democrats?
Lake County Democrats is made up of people like you, people who are passionate about building better communities and a better world. We’re a grassroots political organization, working with Democrats in all parts of Lake County – from Antioch to Highland Park, Libertyville to Waukegan, Barrington to Zion. Become a member online now or send a check payable to Lake County Democrats to P.O. Box 671, Lake Zurich, IL 60047. Questions? Contact