In this Issue: The Dobbs Decision: Two Years Later – Letter from Lake Dems Chair Lauren Beth Gash ● Lake Dems and Tenth Dems Host Presidential Debate Watch Party ● Join Lake Dems and Connect with Voters in Lake County● Join Lake Dems to Win Over Wisconsin (WOW!) for Joe Biden ● Volunteer for the Democratic National Convention – Application Deadline July 1 ● Lake Dems Out and About ● Volunteer Spotlight: Lake Dems Needs Volunteers Including 4th of July Parade Marshalls ● ICYMI (In Case You Missed It) ● Upcoming Events
June 24 marked two years since the overturning of Roe v. Wade when abortion rights vanished after nearly 50 years. I still remember how I felt when I heard the news, and I’m sure many of you do too. It was wrong two years ago and we’re not going to forget.
The pain and chaos since Roe was overturned are directly related to the decisions Donald Trump proudly made — he promised to pick Supreme Court justices who’d do it, and they did. He’s glad to empower right-wing extremists at the state level all across the country to continue their assault on reproductive rights, and they have. Trump owns this.
Just think about it: We now live in a country where extremists want to put the Ten Commandments in public schools but take away your right to an abortion. And IVF. And they’re coming for LGBTQ+ rights too.
We have to keep electing Democrats up and down the ballot who will stand up to these radical attacks and keep moving us forward. We’ve done it before but the right-wing assault on our rights requires us to continue making sure we have elected officials who share our values. It’s not abstract. It’s not theoretical. There is real suffering, real pain, and real fear.
We’re going to win this November if we stand united and reach voters to let them know what’s at stake. They’re with us on this and so many other issues. We will move forward. We will not go back.
Lauren Beth Gash,
Lake County Democrats, Chair
Lake Dems and Tenth Dems Host Presidential Debate Watch Party
Join us on Thursday, June 27, to watch the debate together. We’ll be at Half Day Brewing, 200 Village Green, Lincolnshire.
The debate is scheduled to start at 8:00pm. Come early and grab some drinks and dinner (available for purchase) with old friends and new. Doors will open at 6:30pm. RSVP:
Join Lake Dems and Connect with Voters in Lake County
We must organize to defend our communities from a concerted right-wing assault on the fundamental American Democratic principles of equality, justice, and self-determination. The best way to do that is to make sure our Democratic candidates are elected!
That’s where you come in: Our campaign of voter outreach and re-engagement called Connection Canvassing is ongoing, and we need your help.
We need your help to show voters that Democrats are committed to solving the social and economic issues we face every day. The plan is to talk to Democrats in our Lake County neighborhoods as soon as possible. We have materials available and will be distributing walk lists, dropping off literature, and planning days of action.
Won’t you join us, whether you just walk one block or an entire neighborhood, alone or with your Precinct Committeeperson? We will be providing Connection Canvassing (voter contact) training in the near future.
Please indicate your availability and preferences using this link and we’ll be in touch.
Join Lake Dems to Win Over Wisconsin (WOW!) for Joe Biden
Want to make a real difference this fall? In addition to our important work to elect Democrats in our area, we all know that the crucial 2024 presidential election ultimately will come down to a handful of states—and Wisconsin is one of them. That’s why Lake Dems is working with the Democratic Party of Wisconsin (WisDems) to help win the state for Joe Biden. Will you join us?
Our next Zoom session and training with Wisconsin Democrats will be on Wednesday evening, June 26, at 6:00pm. Sign up here.
WOW! This is your chance to make a real difference! Come to this virtual training, meet us, and find out what you can do. The voters you speak with may be the very ones who put Wisconsin in Biden’s column on November 5 and keep Trump out of the White House! We can’t afford to leave a single task undone with so much at stake in November!
Our first day of action is Saturday, June 29, when we can head to Wisconsin together and spend the afternoon speaking with voters. It will be fun!
When: Gathering in Lake County at 10:45 am; canvass in Wisconsin starts around noon. Return in the afternoon.
Where: Meeting points in southeast and central Lake County to travel to Democratic Headquarters in Kenosha. Addresses provided after registration.
What: Knock doors to persuade voters to vote for Joe Biden. We can arrange for you to walk in pairs if you’d like. Spend the afternoon speaking with Wisconsin voters identified as persuadable (not random folks who’d never vote for Democrats). Sign up here.
Volunteer for the Democratic National Convention – Application Deadline July 1
This is an exciting time for Democrats across America, especially in the Chicago area. The last time the Democratic National Convention came to Chicago was 1996! The convention is a pivotal moment in the 2024 election cycle when Democrats get even more energized and let others know what’s at stake when they vote.
You can be part of history by volunteering at the Democratic National Convention. Sign up here by June 30, When you sign up, you’ll see a dropdown menu. You can write in “Lauren Beth Gash” under “Neighborhood Ambassador” and “Lake County Democrats” for the “Organization.”
Lake Dems Out and About
We love to include event photos in our newsletter! To be considered for inclusion, please send yours to with a brief description. Have an event coming up? To submit future events for consideration for our website and emails go to
Fundraiser for Maria Peterson, Candidate for State Representative
Thanks to the Schultz family for hosting this fantastic event in support of candidate Maria Peterson’s campaign for State Representative, 52nd District.
Coffee & Talk with Antioch and Grant Township Democrats
Hilary Winiarz, Democratic candidate for Lake County Board District 2, joined Antioch and Grant Township Democrats Saturday.
County Board Member John Wasik at Grayslake AuthorFest
Democratic intern Molly Bratton met with Democratic Lake County Board Member and
author John Wasik, holding his book Lincolnomics: How President Lincoln Constructed the Great American Economy at the 2024 Grayslake Authorfest. Molly said, “He was interested in hearing what issues I was interested in, and we discussed some of Biden’s accomplishments, such as student loan forgiveness. He also emphasized how important it is to encourage Democrats to vote in Wisconsin and Michigan.”
Summer Solstice Celebration Benefiting Jennifer Clark & Jennifer Banek
Lake County Coroner Jennifer Banek and Lake County Board Member Jennifer Clark are joined by many supporters including Lake County State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart (above left). Banek and Rinehart are Democratic candidates for re-election.
Indivisible of Western Lake County (IWLC) Annual BBQ Fundraiser
Lake Dems Vice Chair Nancy Shepherdson (above left) spoke at the IWLC event.
National Women’s Strike 2024
Maria Peterson, candidate for State Representative, and State Representative Nabeela Syed who is up for re-election, turn out in Barrington to show support for the National Women’s Strike 2024, a movement dedicated to the fight for equal rights, reproductive freedom, and an end to gender-based violence. The Daily Herald was there: ‘We will not go back’: Two years after Roe’s fall, abortion rights advocates vow to keep fighting.
An Evening in Support of Rep. Bob Morgan Featuring Eric Rinehart
It was a beautiful evening for a fundraiser on Lake Michigan for Rep. Bob Morgan featuring Lake County State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart.
Volunteer Spotlight
Lake Dems is grateful for our many active volunteers. Click here if you’re interested in helping.
Lake Dems needs volunteers and there are so many ways you can help elect Democrats. Here are just a few of them:
– Volunteer Managers
– Managers for Events (large and small)
– Parade Marshalls (see below)
Here is the perfect opportunity to get your feet wet and have fun volunteering! Email:
Lake Dems Needs 4th of July Parade Volunteer Coordinators
July 4th parades are almost here, and we’d love for you to
join us! Each parade needs Lake Dems parade coordinators to direct our volunteers to their positions and assign participants to carry banners, pass out pencils and literature, and of course, candy!! Wear blue if you can. If you’d like a Lake Dems t-shirt or hat: or
Victor Shi writes about his political journey, time at UCLA, and what’s next for this UCLA graduate. Read how he took up the crusade to get Gen Z out of apathy and into the voting booth — and became a social media star in the process.
Lake County Democrats is made up of people like you, people who are passionate about building better communities and a better world. We’re a grassroots political organization, working with Democrats in all parts of Lake County – from Antioch to Highland Park, Libertyville to Waukegan, Barrington to Zion. Become a member online now (individual: $35/couples $60 – though more is always appreciated), or send a check payable to Lake County Democrats to P.O. Box 671, Lake Zurich, IL 60047. Questions? Contact