In this Issue: Supreme Injustice ● Highland Park – Two Years Later: A Letter from Lake Dems Chair, Lauren Beth Gash ● Have Fun With Democrats – Parade With us on the 4th of July! ● Warren Township Democrats Chair Honored by Illinois House● Lake Dems Out and About ● Volunteer Spotlight ● ICYMI (In Case You Missed It) ● Upcoming Events
This week the Supreme Court handed down a decision in Donald J. Trump v. United States that ruled official presidential actions are immune from prosecution, effectively shielding him from accountability for crimes committed while in office, and paving the way for him to be the dictator he states he wants to be.
Trump or any future tyrant could even avoid criminal consequences for assassinating a political rival, as happens in other autocracies around the world. This decision makes a mockery of our legal system, and destroys public trust in our country.
Here are just a few comments on the decision:
“This nation was founded on the principle that there are no kings in America. Each — each of us is equal before the law. No one — no one is above the law, not even the president of the United States.” – President Joe Biden
“With fear for our democracy, I dissent.” – Justice Sonia Sotomayor
“In America, no one should be above the law. But this Supreme Court’s majority — including three of Trump’s hand-picked Justices — just sent a message to Donald Trump and any other would-be dictator that, as Justice Sotomayor dissented: The President is now a king above the law.”
– Senator Tammy Duckworth
“In ruling that Donald Trump is ‘absolutely immune from prosecution for the alleged conduct involving his discussions with Justice Department officials,’ the Court has stripped the Justice Department of its valued independence and undermined its commitment to the rule of law.” – Senator Dick Durbin
“Because the risks (and power) the Court has now assumed are intolerable, unwarranted, and plainly antithetical to bedrock constitutional norms, I dissent.” – Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson
“This appalling Supreme Court decision flies in the face of a foundational principle of our nation and our constitution: that no one is above the law. This ruling threatens to allow a would-be dictator to use the office of the President to act with absolute impunity, hiding behind the guise of ‘official acts.’ Our founders risked their lives to build a nation governed by the many, not a king. Rather than bravely putting country first and following the Constitution, six partisan justices instead shamefully bowed to the man who seeks to bend our government to his whim. This is a low mark for the Supreme Court and the cowardice of the justices will cause devastating harm to the foundation of our nation. As Justice Sotomayor wrote in her dissent — I fear for our democracy.” – Rep. Brad Schneider
“No person, not even a president ought to be above the law.”
– Governor JB Pritzker
Highland Park — Two Years Later
A Letter from Lake Dems Chair Lauren Beth Gash
As another July 4th approaches, our thoughts once again turn to what we lost two years ago. Here are my thoughts as posted on Facebook the day of the shooting. The memories are still fresh in my mind. While families from Lake County communities gathered in Highland Park on a beautiful Fourth of July to watch a parade, a single gunman murdered seven, injured many dozens more, and shattered the lives of countless others.
Our hearts ache for a child who will grow up without parents, for those who were physically injured (many permanently), and for those whose emotional wounds will never fully heal. We’re grateful that our legislature passed, and our governor signed into law, an assault weapons ban that will make another such event in our state less likely, but we’re at a loss to understand why similar measures to ban assault weapons and large-capacity magazines haven’t been enacted nationwide.
Tomorrow, we celebrate the Fourth of July with barbeques, parades, and fireworks, and many of us will participate in a Remembrance Ceremony in Highland Park. Let’s renew our determination to continue working to reduce gun violence. Let’s work to elect Democrats who have the wisdom to prioritize our right to be safer when we shop, attend school, and gather for celebrations in our communities.
Lauren Beth Gash,
Lake County Democrats, Chair
Have Fun With Democrats – Parade With us on the 4th of July!
Join Lake Dems, many elected officials, and candidates in 4th of July parades this Thursday. They’re happening all over Lake County. By walking in parades, we show how much we support the values that Democrats represent, among them: freedom to choose, to love as we want, and to be free of gun violence. We need folks to carry banners, hand out pencils and literature, or wave flags.
So support our democracy and have some fun this 4th of July. Please wear blue. Lake Dems shirts and hats are available for purchase: and Hope to see you at one or more of these parades!
See the complete list at the end of this newsletter or:
Warren Township Democrats Chair Honored by Illinois House
State Rep. Joyce Mason presented Jim Neel, former Warren Township Democrats Chair, a certificate from the Illinois House of Representatives for his founding and 20-year chairmanship of Warren Dems.
Lake Dems Out and About
We love to include event photos in our newsletter! To be considered for inclusion, please send yours to with a brief description. Have an event coming up? To submit future events for consideration for our website and emails go to
Governor Pritzker and Statewide Officials Enthusiastically Support Eric Rinehart at Fundraiser
State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart speaks to a large crowd of supporters at a recent fundraiser. Those attending included Governor JB Pritzker, Attorney General Kwame Raoul, Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias, Illinois Speaker of the House Chris Welch, State Rep. Bob Morgan, and State Rep. Dan Didech. Also attending were State Rep. Candidate Maria Peterson, Lake County Board Candidate Hilary Winiarz, and Lake County Board Member Sara Knizhnik.
Lake Dems Chair Speaks with Congressman Schneider’s Interns
Lake Dems Chair Lauren Beth Gash, herself a former intern, leads a conversation with interns at Congressman Brad Schneider’s headquarters.
Lake County Democrats Out in Force at Celebrate Fox Lake Parade
Lake County Democrats Having Fun at the Waukegan Independence Day Parade
Volunteer Spotlight
Lake Dems is grateful for our many active volunteers. Click here if you’re interested in helping.
Lake Dems would like to thank Ryan Lake, Avon Township Democrats Chair and photographer extraordinaire, for lending his time and talents to Democrats — particularly at the Eric Rinehart fundraiser, Lake Dems Defending Democracy reception, and many other events.
Some prominent conservative lawmakers and commentators are advocating for ending no-fault divorce, laws that exist in all 50 US states and allow a person to end a marriage without having to prove a spouse did something wrong, like commit adultery or domestic violence.
Lake County Democrats is made up of people like you, people who are passionate about building better communities and a better world. We’re a grassroots political organization, working with Democrats in all parts of Lake County – from Antioch to Highland Park, Libertyville to Waukegan, Barrington to Zion. Become a member online now (individual: $35/couples $60 – though more is always appreciated), or send a check payable to Lake County Democrats to P.O. Box 671, Lake Zurich, IL 60047. Questions? Contact