A letter to Kenosha, and the United States, and Joe and Kamala if you are listening.
I have been trying to make sense of why I am still alive. In 2012 I was diagnosed with cancer . . .in 2014 a different cancer . . . .in 2015 another different cancer . . . surgery, two separate rounds of chemo and hair loss, two separate rounds of radiation therapy and now in 2020 my cancer has returned. I t is safe to say that the coverage of preexisting conditions by the Affordable Care Act eased many of my concerns and may indeed be partially responsible for my continued existence. I am spiritual but not religious. Believe in the Golden Rule. Trust most people. Love children and animals. But . . .what is my purpose?
I realized today after following the news closely on a daily basis.
Kenosha is part of the reason I am alive. Maybe . . .just maybe . . .I can help Kenosha and our country.
In 2015 a person who was to become a very good friend said “I just heard about your health. Perhaps you could use an outing? Let’s go to Kenosha. There is a great Swedish bakery there.”
That was the start of many adventures . . . excursions to Kenosha, to other parts of Wisconsin, chicken and doughnuts, the lakefront . . . . you all know what I am talking about.. Feeling well once more. Enjoying life. I have thrived. And . . . I have loved Kenosha. Woodman’s for my daughter’s vegetarian/vegan food. Penzey’s for the best spices and political opinions anywhere.
My heart is bleeding right now. This is the moment in time which can change our country. I am an old white lady. I am the daughter of immigrants. I am a retired teacher. I am a parent and grandparent. I have friends and relatives of color. We cannot continue to treat our brothers and sisters of different races, religions, sexual orientation or religious beliefs or even age any differently than we wish to be treated. We cannot have parents afraid that their children will be shot and killed by the police. We cannot have armed 17 year old children joining vigilante patrols in other states. We cannot continue to delude ourselves . . .systemic racism continues. This president is sowing hatred and fear. The quiet protestors are not being covered. I was there in the 60s. I thought we had progressed. We have systemically held people back. World War II veterans were not able to buy into tract housing . . .federal segregation. Bridges in New York were built so that buses full of people from the “projects” would not be able to cool off at the shore . . .only private cars. I remember the local deeds which declared you could not sell to people of color or Jews. The sign over a road stating “colored not allowed.” Heroin and marijuana use were criminalized while opioid overdose is the fault of big pharma. The hypocrisy.
If only a few of you can open your hearts and share the hope that we continue to be one united country. Yes, we have a long way to go. However this is the moment in time which must be seized . . .we are a land of opportunity. There is more than ENOUGH for everyone . . ..and everyone must have ENOUGH. Food, housing and medical care . . .if our basic needs are met we are free to create and produce. We will thrive. Our country will thrive. We can grow into what the United States of America was meant to be.
And so my hope is that I will still be here next year. I can’t protest . . .my immunity is compromised. But . . .I have my voice. My hope is we will emerge from the pandemic with a new value for each other’s well being. That I will see Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in office. That there will be a peaceful transition. And that we will finally work together for the good of each other and the country. If you are able contribute to the Biden campaign, if you can talk one more person into voting for a Democrat please help. Above all, hold each other close . . .we are all neighbors.