Help Win Over Wisconsin
When: Saturday, July 13, from 12:00 noon until 3:00pm. (Carpools will leave Lake County locations at 10:45am and return around 4:30pm.)
Where: Meeting points in southeast and central Lake County to travel to Democratic Headquarters in Kenosha. Gather at the Kenosha County Democratic Party’s office at 5712 7th Avenue, Kenosha, before heading out to canvass in the area.
What: Win Over Wisconsin (WOW!), a Lake Dems project, in conjunction with the Democratic Party of Wisconsin (WisDems), to persuade voters to vote for Democrats. Knock doors and speak with voters identified as undecided or leaning Democratic. Pre-canvassing orientation and training provided by WisDems, This is an exciting opportunity to help carry a swing state crucial to victory in November. RSVP here.